South Korea’s globally renowned actress Bae Doona is set to return to the small screen in a new Korean drama with Baek Yoon Sik and “Moving” actor Ryoo Seung Bum. This upcoming Korean drama intriguingly delves into hacking human brains in the name of “justice”. So, what kind of characters will Bae Doona, Baek Yoon Sik, and Ryoo Seung Bum portray in this new Korean drama? Find out more in the following complete report.
Bae Doona to Star in New Korean Drama with Baek Yoon Sik and “Moving” Actor Ryoo Seung Bum
A much-anticipated Korean drama is set to premiere on OTT platforms, featuring Bae Doona, Baek Yoon Sik, and Ryoo Seung Bum.
On October 5, Star News exclusive report revealed that actress Bae Doona would be returning to the small screen in a new Korean drama, “Family Plan” (literal translation). “Family Plan” is the same Korean drama that actors Baek Yoon Sik and Ryoo Seung Bum of “Moving” were previously in talks.
Unfortunately, while this new drama seems extremely promising, all the main actors were still reportedly considering their appearances.
“Family Plan” is the first small screen project for “Horror Stories III” movie director Kim Seon. This project is currently under discussion with the rising OTT platform Coupang Play.
So, what’s “Family Plan” new Korean drama about? Also, what characters will Bae Doona, Baek Yoon Sik, and Ryoo Seung Bum portray should they confirm their appearances?
Storyline and Characters
According to JTBC and Star News, “Family Plan” is a bizarre thriller drama about a psychopathic woman punishing cruel villains with horrifying sentences.
Global prominent actress Bae Doona will portray Han Young Soo, the platoon leader of the Family Plan team. Family Plan is a military project that deploys secret agents with special abilities on secret missions. In times of emergencies, these secret agents will depart and live in disguise as an ordinary family.
During her childhood, Han Young Soo received horrible and bizarre training in an unknown facility to become a special unit leader. She is a psychopath with innate abilities to hack human brains, controlling them using hypnosis techniques. And she will be using these skills in the name of “justice”.
In her missions, Han Young Soo confronts cruel villains, meting out exceptionally brutal punishments. These villains will feel pain and suffer hundreds of times worse than what the victims had experienced.
Meanwhile, characters for Baek Yoon Sik and “Moving” actor Ryoo Seung Bum have yet to be released.
Finally, are you excited to see Bae Doona’s transformation into a psychopathic secret agent? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
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